Feasibility of Symbiotic Housing in Pakistan
As our Mega Project guidelines came alive, I started thinking deep about that how I can impact the society with my Idea which could be socially sustainable and Entrepreneurial at the same time which I think is the main purpose mentioned in Mega project guidelines

I did a lot of research on these types of problems that are still unsolved and realized that there is a huge shortage of housing. The accessibility of affordable housing remains a nightmare for middle & lower-income groups in Pakistan, despite the government’s striving plan to build five million affordable housing units in five years.

Current housing does not meet national needs. Estimates, based on the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM) and Census 2017, show that current housing stocks are around 23.8 million housing units, while housing needs are around 34.1 million housing units. This infers that Pakistan is currently facing a total housing backlog of 10.3 million. Analytics based on Census-2017 shows that housing needs are higher among low-income which is estimated as 5.2 million housing units, while only 0.5 million housing units are needed to accommodate the richest group.

The only solution we have for this shortage is to design and built somethings that is highly affordable and sustainable at the same time that has a very minimum environmental impacts as we have already the worst air quality especially in Karachi. For that purpose, I want to import the Japanese idea of sustainable housing which is perfect as per our requirements and standards but we need to review a little bit to find out feasibility of that concept here in Pakistan. Here comes a favorite part of mine which is doing research so I’ve enjoyed a lot while collecting all the data which I even cannot mention here because of the limit but still I’ve tried best from my side to be as much specific as I can. Here are some very basic purposes of that concept of sustainable housing [Symbiotic housing].
Fukazawa Symbiotic Housing Concept
This is a Japanese concept of clean & sustainable housing in the middle of highly dense and developed urban areas to deal with the housing shortages and that is so much needed because of drastic increase in population.
Goals of Initiative
1. to help preserve the global environment.
2. to be in harmony with the local environment.
3. to provide a comfortable and healthy residential environment.
It is necessary to improve the quality of life on and off the site with the least environmental burden, as well as to ensure an increase in its affordable housing capacity. It must be designed and built with careful consideration of local natural conditions and incorporated various passive daylighting, heating and cooling solutions.

Feasibility in Pakistan
In my opinion, that concept will cost a lot here is Pakistan so I have to find a solution which would be much more feasible and affordable because per annum income of an average person here in Pakistan is 590$. So, I think when we will start working after approval, it will be a tough task for us to come up with something that meets the criteria of concept and also feasible for the personnel here I think I have such team who can do these things, I believe in them.
I feel so satisfied to volunteer myself to this project as it will put a great impact on our society and our city where housing shortage is touching its peak, I see here that streets & towns are so jam packed & mismanaged.
“As we lose ourselves in the service of others we discover our own lives and our own happiness.”
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf